National Service Scheme

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Development of the personality of students through community service


Understand the community in which they work.

Understand themselves in relation to their community.

Identify the need and problem of the community and involve them in problem solving.

Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.

Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems.

Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibility.

Gain skills in mobilizing community participation

Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.

Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disaster.

Practical nation integration and social harmony.


Ever since independence there has been growing awareness of the desirability of involving students in national service. The First Education Commission (1950) recommended the introduction of national service by students on a voluntary basis. Subsequently on the basis of suggestion made by then Prime Minister Pt. Nehru,a committee was appointed under the chairmanship of Dr. C.D. Deshmukh to prepare a scheme for compulsory national service by students prior to their admission for degree courses . Prof. K.G. Saiyidain who undertook a study of national service by youth in several countries, recommended that national service may be introduced on a voluntary basis. A similar recommendation was made by the Educational Commission appointed under the Chairmanship of Dr. D.S. Kothari. In April,1957,the conference of State Education Ministers recommended that at the University stage students could be permitted to join the National Cadet Crops which was already in existence on a voluntary basis and an alternative to this could be offered to them in the form of a new programme called the National Service Scheme (NSS) Promising sportsmen , however , should be exempted from both and allowed to join another scheme called the National Sports Organisation (NSO) , in view of the need to give priority to the development of sports and athletics. The conference of Vice-Chancellor in September 1967 welcomed this recommendation and that special committee of Vice-Chancellor should be set up to examine this question in detail. The detail were soon worked our and the Planning Commission sanctioned an outlay of Rs. 5 Crore for developing the NSS during the 4th Five Year Plan as a Pilot project in selected institution and universities .In Pursuance of these recommendation , the Ministry of Education introduced the National Service Scheme during 1969-70 . The Choice of the timing of its introduction was remarkable suspicious as 1969 was the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi, The Father of Nation to whom social service was almost a religion. The response of students to the scheme has been excellent, starting with an enrolment of 40,000 students in 1969, the coverage of NSS Students has increased every year. Now over 48 lacs students have joined NSS in current year. The scheme now extends to all the states and universities in the country. Students, teacher, parents, guardians, persons in authority in government, universities, and college and the people in general now realize the need and significance of NSS. It has aroused among the students youth and awareness of the realities of life, a better understanding and appreciation of the problem of the people. NSS is thus a concrete attempt in making education relevant to the needs of the society.


All volunteer shall work under the guidance of a group leader nominated by the Program Officer.

They shall make themselves worthy of the confidence and co-operation of the group/community leadership.

They shall scrupulously avoid entering into any controversial issue.

They shall keep day- to- day record of their activities/experiences in the enclosing pages of the diary and submit to the group leader /Programme Officer for periodic guidance.

It is obligatory on the part of every volunteer to wear the NSS Badge while on work

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NSS Programme Officer:

Mr.Sajeesh P T K

Assistant Professor in ECE


Address for Communication:

College of Engineering Kallooppara

Kadamankulam P.O

Kallooppara, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta District-689583
